At We Are Organization, our vision is to create a world where all young people are supported and empowered to reach their full potential. We believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances.
We received official 501(c)(3) status as a registered nonprofit.
We want to unite and provide resources for all youth in our nation, especially those in underprivileged communities who lack access to basic educational materials. We want to set an example for the people that will run our country in a few years. We want to set an example for us. We want to know how to address situations. We deserve to have a chance to change this world. Because we are the future. The future doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, influencers, builders, humanitarians, public servants, lawyers, and citizens. We are the future leaders of tomorrow. And we will impact the world for years to come. How we do it is based on YOUR actions today. OUR actions today. Take action. Help those who can’t help themselves, open your mind to new ideas, educate yourself, and educate others. Make an impact.
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Through this organization we hope to ultimately achieve a broadening of mindset and knowledge amongst us youth. We hope that by providing easy and accessible resources through our podcast and website we will be able to significantly expand our audiences' knowledge around real world issues and be able to address many things that will help our generation be the best parents, partners, siblings, teachers, politicians, leaders, and citizens they can. Because as of right now, we have a very far way to go in terms of this, but we believe that eventually we can impact at least some kids through this. We hope that we can debunk many misconceptions and make our fellow young adults think. By simply talking, and putting the discussion on the table, we can open the minds of many people. Thinking leads to conversation, which leads to the spread of discussion and more ideas being born, which eventually, leads to change. Which is our long term goal. We want to help avoid the ignorance that we face as a society from perpetuating our youth as it has in the past. We hope to expand our community’s thought process, provide different perspectives and more understanding on different situations, and become more empathetic as a country. In terms of more specific goals, we hope to broaden our following on our platforms and podcasts so that we can reach more minds. We hope that eventually we can start fundraising on a larger scale and use the money to provide more resources to underprivileged youth. Eventually, we hope that we can expand to a nonprofit organization and use this larger platform to advocate for and help provide for our cause in more ways.
But what really made us want to do this in the first place? There are so many situations and circumstances where we have run across issues regarding misinformation, lack of proper education on certain subjects, and ignorance in society with issues that are so pressing they are affecting people’s lives EVERY SINGLE DAY. There are so many social issues, political issues, health subjects, and financial topics that are NEVER addressed enough in society, yet they are utterly essential to future success in both personal life and the prosperity of our community. We strongly feel that these topics should be discussed, and because kids don’t have the opportunity to learn these topics to make their impact on the world, there are so many instances where people’s opinions are hurt, children aren’t given proper materials and resources, and the lives of youth today aren’t nearly as fulfilling as they have the capacity to be. With the topics of health, social and political issues, and finance, it is clear to see how often these specific topics are neglected. School doesn't prepare us well enough to manage our finances, understand things that are happening in our world, or learn about proper nutrition and fitness that can lead to higher levels of motivation and success. We are both incredibly passionate about addressing these main issues especially in our society, because we have been in the position of searching for answers, and know how difficult it can be to face the truths of the world, but also how ludicrous it is that we were never even taught these things in the first place. We have both experienced situations where kids we know supported harmful movements or had beliefs that could be considered hurtful, and we realized that the real reason behind this is because we, as youth, as a society, as a whole, are NOT given even the opportunity to learn this. We don’t ever discuss world issues or big news headlines, even though, let’s face it, that is way more important than learning how to find the volume of a rectangular prism. We want to not only help people understand these issues, but to help people actually CARE. And caring means advocating, donating, doing anything and everything possible to make our country better. To make the WORLD better. One example where we were both horrified by the actions of citizens in our country and we realized the weight of this large issue of miseducation before us was during the insurrection at the capital that took place on January 6th of 2021. In case you didn’t know, this was a violent act in which groups of people stormed the capital, and multiple people were even shot in the process. Because of the violent nature of this attack, deaths took place, which is something so horrific that never should have happened in a country like America, a developed country with a strong government. And these were ADULTS. If these grown citizens can’t set good examples, then who can? If these adults had such a difference in opinion that they resorted to violence, then how does anyone expect our generation to deal with conflict? It was the fact that these grown adults as kids were never taught how to deal with a difference in opinion peacefully, and the fact that schools neglect to talk about politics and opinions on world events, that lead up to this event. And despite the fact that it greatly saddened us, it fueled our passion and allowed us to be able to understand how truly important this subject is. We aren’t even taught how to deal with conflict, how to share our opinions in positive ways, and so many things that are so significant in forming opinions and listening to others in the future. And we want to change that for future generations. We want our society to be able to deal with conflict, share opinions, advocate for each other in helpful ways, and be aware of pressing matters along with having materials, information, and tools necessary for success. That is why we decided to create this. Because we have the ability to impact our future. And you do too.
So, how do we plan to achieve this? Well, we already mentioned how we hope to educate youth on various topics on our podcast and website pages, but in order to do that we are taking full advantage of every resource and ascendancy we have. We will work our hardest to make our organization grow. Whenever we come across an opportunity to do anything that could help benefit our purpose, we will eagerly take it. We will, and already have, done extensive research on every single subject we talk about to achieve complete understanding. And we will even do our best to interview special guests on our podcast regarding topics we discuss to provide insight from extremely experienced individuals. On top of our undying dedication to this cause, we have an advantage that many other organizations can’t say they have. We, ourselves, are students. We know and experience the misinformation, relationships, school situations and lessons, social ideologies, and daily struggles that our youth faces. We know how it feels to be in a position where we know so little about the world that we live in, and where it seems like our society isn’t willing to teach us about it. And since we can empathize with our audience mentally and emotionally, we will be able to make our content much more fitting. We are going through this journey together, not from educators to listeners, but human to human. Youth to youth. We are so much better equipped to tackle heavy topics in a way that kids will comprehend, because by hearing these words spoken by someone just like them, like a conversation instead of a lecture, we know that will make so much of a difference. Personally, hearing someone else who’s going through the same thing as me makes me feel so much better about whatever I may be struggling with, and by sharing our experiences on the podcast we hope we can create a comfortable and welcoming environment. We want our audience to know that they are heard and understood, and not alone. We also have experienced how confusing it can be to try to be more involved in the world by paying attention to news, and then being slapped in the face by resources only formatted for adults. Which is why we vow to make every episode perfectly understandable with the adequate definitions, background information, and dissecting the meat of the subject in a way that isn’t extremely confusing (or boring, because that is the case way too often;)).
We want to stop what has the potential to turn our future civilians into polarized people. The very same people who need each other to function as a nation. We want to set an example for the people that will run our country in a few years. We want to set an example for us. We want to know how to address situations. We want to foster connections among everyone from diverse backgrounds because we are stronger together. Because we are the future. The future doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, influencers, builders, humanitarians, public servants, lawyers, and citizens. We are the future leaders of tomorrow. And we will impact the world for years to come. How we do it is based on YOUR actions today. OUR actions today. Take action. Help those who can’t help themselves, open your mind to new ideas, educate yourself, and educate others. Make an impact.
Thank you.
To find out more about our purpose and what we are doing to support our purpose, be sure to check out our podcast and follow our social media! On our podcast's first official episode, we dive into what really fueled us to create this organization. To check that out as well as other podcast episodes, click the 'Podcast' button below.
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